Santa & Cole,
material culture that enthrals

An editing company producing lighting, furniture, art, books and musical instruments, present in more than eighty countries, Santa & Cole has been offering optimally designed products since 1985. Material culture is within reach of those who value restrained comfort.

More than eighty designers have helped to develop a catalogue of furniture and lighting that is renowned the world over.

Excellent contemporary artists and esteemed museum institutions entrust Santa & Cole to edit their art.

Innovating in an age-old trade, Milagro Luthiers develops percussion and chord instruments using new materials and technologies.

Are you planning a meeting?
Get in touch with us

Thank you very much for sending the form, we will attend you as soon as possible.

01 What services do you require?

02 How many of you will there be?

03 How many days will your meeting last?

04 On what dates would you like to come to Belloch?

05 Leave us your name and surname

06 Leave us your email address

07 Leave us your phone number